• K. Mukai, R. Abe, B.J. Peterson, and S. Takayama,
    "Improvement of infrared imaging video bolometer for application todeuterium experiment on the large helical device",
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89, 10, 10E114.

    三浦駿, 菅沼拓夫, 安藤敏彦,
    情報処理学会第81回全国大会講演論文集, 2019, 1, 803-804.

    Y. Murakami, K. Miyoshi, K. Shiraishi, S. Chiba, S. Yoshida, and K. Kanda,
    "Implementation of Automatic Input Function to Harvest Prediction System using Neural Networks",
    e-Proceedings Research Frontiers in Precision Agriculture, AFITA/WCCA2018, 369-371.

    K. Shiraishi, N. Suzaki, S. Yoshida, S. Chiba, Y. Murakami, K. Kanda, and T. Kameoka,
    "Study on High-Quality Citrus Cultivation Technique Utilizing UAV Images and Deep Learning",
    e-Proceedings Research Frontiers in Precision Agriculture, AFITA/WCCA2018, 364-365.

    S. Chiba, and Y. Matamura,
    "Development of a Measurement and Control System for Environment of Greenhouses by LPWA",
    e-Proceedings Research Frontiers in Precision Agriculture, AFITA/WCCA2018, 358-360.

    K. Kanda, K. Shiraishi, Y. Murakami, S. Yoshida, and S. Chiba,
    "Development of Meteorological Observing System and Comparison of Measured Data with the Reference Products",
    e-Proceedings Research Frontiers in Precision Agriculture, AFITA/WCCA2018, 349-351.

    松本侑真, 千葉慎二,
    情報処理学会, 第80回全国大会講演論文集2018, 1, 777-778.

    武田怜也, 千葉慎二,
    情報処理学会, 2018, 1, 841-842.

    阿久津樹輝, 千葉慎二,
    情報処理学会, 第80回全国大会講演論文集2018, 1, 345-346.

    藤田智己, 木村祥裕, 飯藤将之,
    コンクリート工学会年次大会論文集, 2018, 40, 787-792.

    藤田智己, 船木尚己, 畑中友, 田中礼治,
    「置屋根支承部に免震部材を用いた鉄骨置屋根体育館の動的特性に関する解析的研究 その1 山形ラーメン架構を対象とした地震応答解折」
    日本建築学会東北支部研究報告集 構造系, 2018, 81, 101-104.

    船木尚己, 藤田智己, 小野瀬順一, 田中礼治,
    「鉄骨置屋根構造体育館の耐震診断法と避難所としての適応性-2016年熊本地震 第12回 鉄骨置屋根体育館の将来展望」
    建築技術, 2018, 12, 180-183.

    藤田智己, 船木尚己, 小野瀬順一, 田中礼治,
    「鉄骨置屋根構造体育館の耐震診断法と避難所としての適応性-2016年熊本地震 第9回 RCとSの接合部に免震、制振などを用いる効果について‐2 」
    建築技術, 2018, 9, 162-165.

    船木尚己, 藤田智己, 小野瀬順一, 田中礼治,
    「鉄骨置屋根構造体育館の耐震診断法と避難所としての適応性-2016年熊本地震 第8回 RCとSの接合部に免震,制振などを用いる効果について-1」
    建築技術, 2018, 8, 46-50.

    小野佑希菜, 大場譲, 藤原和彦,
    平成30年電気学会全国大会公演論文集, 2018, 355-356.

    カンカー ナッティカーン, 村越道生, 濱西伸治, 和田仁,
    「出後から6か月までの新生児外耳道壁の動的特性変化, Changes of dynamic characteristics in the neonatal external ear canal wall from birth to 6 months」
    日本機械学会 第30回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2018, 30, 1B18.

    村越道生, 濱西伸治, 和田仁,
    「新生児のための聴覚スクリーニング装置の開発, Development of a hearing screening system for newborns」
    生体医工学 Annual, 2018, 56, Abstract, S199.

    武道学研究, 2018, 51, Supplement, S_73.

    飯藤將之, 船木尚己, 畑中友, 田中礼治,
    日本建築学会東北支部研究報告集 構造系, 2018, 81, 97-100.

    K. Hasebe,
    "SO(4) Landau models and matrix geometry",
    Nuclear Physics B, 2018, 934, 149-211.

    古内孝明, 岡出美則,
    日本スポーツ教育学会第38回大会, 2018.
  • 佐藤靖徳, 小泉理史, 杉原幸信, 本間一平, 髙橋勉,
    「降伏挙動を有するハイドロゲルの流動特性の解明, A study on flow characteristic of hydrogel withyield behavior」
    流体工学部門講演会講演論文集, 2018, OS10-9.

    本郷哲, 飯藤将之,
    平成30年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会講演論文集, 2018, 1C06.

    但木大介, 山宮慎, 馬騰, 今井裕司, 平野愛弓, 庭野道夫,
    「金属細線を包埋したPVDFフレキシブル圧力センサの作製, Fabrication of micro metal wire-embedded PVDF flexible pressure sensors」
    電気情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2018, 118, 9, 1-3.

    Y. Kashiwaba, Y. Tanaka, M. Sakuma, T. Abe, Y. Imai, K. Kawasaki, A. Nakagawa,I. Niikura, Y. Kashwiaba, and H. Osada,
    "Preparation of a non-polar ZnO film on a single crystal NdGaO3 substrate by the rf sputtering method",
    J. Elec. Mater., 2018, 47, 8, 4345-4350.

    西浦祐希, 伊師華江,
    「宿泊施設の客室に対するニーズの分析(ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎), Analysis of Needs for Accommodation Guest Rooms」
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 , 2018, 117, 509, 113-118.

    K. Iwai, H. Takaku, M. Miyagi, Y.W. Shi, and Y. Matsuura,
    "Fabrication of shatter-proof metal hollow-core optical fibers forendoscopic mid-infrared laser applications",
    Fibers, 2018, 6, 24, 1-8.

    K. Iwai, H. Takaku, M. Miyagi, Y.W. Shi, X.S. Zhu, and Y. Matsuura,
    "Transmission properties of dielectric-coated hollow optical fibersbased on stainless tube",
    Proceedings of the SPIE, 2018.
  • 加賀谷美佳, 榎本良治, 片桐秀明, 近藤亮太郎, 村石浩, 渡辺宝, 内田智久, 田中真伸,
    平成30年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会講演論文集, 2018.
  • 加賀谷美佳, 榎本良治, 片桐秀明, 近藤亮太郎, 村石浩, 渡辺宝,
    日本きのこ学会第22回大会要旨集, 2018.

    T. Watanabe, D. Kano, R. Enomoto, H. Muraishi, R. Wakamatsu, H. Katgairi, M. Kagaya, R. Kondo, M. Fukushi, and S. Hosokawa,
    "Remote measurement of urinary radioactivity in 18F-FDG PET patientsusing Compton camera for accuracy evaluation of standardized uptake value",
    Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 2018, 4, 6.

    H. Katagiri, W. Satoh, R. Enomoto, R. Wakamatsu, T. Watanabe, H. Muraishi, M. Kagaya, S. Tanaka, K. Wada, M. Tanaka, and T. Uchida,
    "Development of an all-sky gamma-ray Compton camera based on scintillatorsfor high-dose environments",
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55, 2018, 10, 1172-1179.

    M. Kagaya, H. Katagiri, N. Tojo, R. Kato, T.G. Tsuru, A. Takeda, and Y.Arai,
    "Evaluation of the detection capability of the recoil electron tracksof 511 keV gamma rays with an advanced Compton camera using an SOI pixelsensor",
    2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings(NSS/MIC).

    H. Muraishi, R. Kondo, T. Watanabe, R. Enomoto, H. Katagiri, M. Kagaya, D. Kano, T. Takeda, S. Noda, K. Kikuchi, H. Hara, T. Maegaki, and T. Uchida,
    "Visualization of Radium-223 chloride using an omnidirectional gamma-rayimaging Compton camera for radioactive environmental monitoring",
    2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings(NSS/MIC).

    印度学宗教学会, 論集, 45, 100-86, 2018.

    「梵文『法華経』におけるdā, pra-dā, pra-yamの活用とその補完現象について」
    印度學佛教學研究, 66, 3, 1063-1070, 2018.

    Y. Kashiwaba, Y. Tanaka, M. Sakuma, T. Abe, Y. Imai, K. Kawasaki, A. Nakagawa, I. Niikura, Y. Kashiwaba, and H. Osada,
    "Preparation of a Non-Polar ZnO Film on a Single-Crystal NdGaO3 Substrateby the RF Sputtering Method",
    Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, 47, 4345-4350.

    T. Abe, Y. Nameshida, Y. Ogata, A. Miura, A. Nakagawa, T. Chiba, Y. Kashiwaba,M. Daibo, I. Niikura, Y. Kashiwaba, and H. Osada,
    "Improvement of the Photoconductive Characteristics of ZnO Single Crystals by Annealing",
    Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, 47, 4272-4276.

    M. Kinugawa, and Y. Hayashi,
    "Range of information leakage from IoT devices with hardware Trojans",
    2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC/APEMC).

    仁科泉美, 藤本大介, 衣川昌宏, 林優一,
    「スマートデバイスからの電磁情報漏えい源特定に関する基礎検討 (ハードウェアセキュリティ), Fundamental Study on Identification of EM Leakage Source of Audio Information from a Smart Device」
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 118, 153, 83-88, 2018.

    S. Wakabayashi, S. Maruyama, T. Mori, S. Goto, M. Kinugawa, and Y. Hayashi,
    "A Feasibility Study of Radio-frequency Retroreflector Attack",
    12th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies, WOOT 2018.

    H. Kobayashi, A. Takahashi, S. Chiba, N.M. Fujiki, and Y. Hayakawa,
    "Study of localization method for switching between low electricity consumption and high precision for a watching system",
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2018.

    電気通信普及財団研究調査助成報告書, 2018, 33.

    宮川雅史, 姥浦道生, 苅谷智大, 小地沢将之,
    都市計画論文集, 2018, 53, 3, 1192-1198.

    星祐希, 小地沢将之,
    都市計画報告集(CD-ROM) (Report of the City Plannning Institute of Japan), 2018,16, 42-45.

    贄田純平, 姥浦道生, 苅谷智大, 小地沢将之,
    都市計画論文集, 2018, 53, 3, 1199-1206.

    甘粕裕明, 姥浦道生, 苅谷智大, 小地沢将之,
    「立地適正化計画と都市計画マスタープランの計画内容の関係性に関する研究 都市機能誘導区域図と将来都市構造図の整合性に着目して」
    都市計画論文集, 2018, 53, 3, 400-407.

    久保田佳克, 矢澤睦, 飯田清志, 岡﨑久美子,
    「高専生の英語語彙サイズの変化と語彙学習方略-仙台高専本科生の場合-, On the Development of Kosen Students’ English Vocabulary Size and Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Based on the Survey Results of NIT, Sendai College Students」
    全国高等専門学校英語教育学会研究論集, 2018, 37, 115-124.
  • 久保田佳克, 岡﨑久美子, 飯田清志, 矢澤睦,
    全国高等専門学校英語教育学会第42回研究大会要綱, 2018, 33.

    野村聡志, 熊谷和志, 大泉哲哉,
    日本機械学会, 東北支部第53期総会・講演会講演論文集, 2018, 53.

    S. Kuzuhara, K. Kudo, and O. Terakado,
    "Biosorption of Cu(II) ions by kelps, large brown algae seaweeds, Saccharina japonica and Saccharina sculpera",
    Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2018, 4, 455-460.

    S. Kuzuhara, and A. Sano,
    "Bromination of Pd Compounds during Thermal Decomposition of Tetrabromobisphenol A",
    Engineering, 2018, 10, 4, 187-201.

    S. Kuzuhara, Y. Akimoto, K. Shibata, M. Oguchi, and A. Terazono,
    "Evaluation by year of the valuable/hazardous material content oflithium-ion secondary battery cells and other components of notebook computer battery packs",

    O. Terakado, S. Kuzuhara, H. Takagi, and M. Hirasawa,
    "Thermal Decomposition of Printed Circuit Board in the Presence ofZinc Oxide under Inert and Oxidative Atmosphere: Emission Behavior of Inorganic Brominated Compounds",
    Engineering, 2018, 10, 606-615.

    米澤徹, 松原正樹,
    粉体工学会誌, 2018, 55, 6, 325-333.

    Y. Miyazaki, and K. Kurita,
    "The diversity and evolutionary process of modern community currenciesin Japan",
    International Journal of Community Currency Research, 2018, 22, 120-131.

    K. Yamanaka, M. Mori, Y. Torita, and A. Chiba,
    "Effect of nitrogen on the microstructure and mechanical propertiesof Co–33Cr–9W alloys prepared by dental casting",
    Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2018, 77, 693-700.

    K. Yamanaka, M. Mori, Y. Torita, and A. Chiba,
    "Impact of minor alloying with C and Si on the precipitation behaviorand mechanical properties of N-doped Co–Cr alloy dental castings",
    Materials Science and Engineering:C, 2018, 92, 112-120.

    Y. Onuki, S. Sato, M. Nakagawa, K. Yamanaka, M. Mori, A. Hoshikawa, T.Ishigaki, and A. Chiba,
    "Strain-Induced Martensitic Transformation and Texture Evolution in Cold-Rolled Co–Cr Alloys",
    Quantum Beam Science, 2018, 2, 2, 11.

    田﨑創平, 中山まどか, 東海林亙,
    「環境pH変動に対する枯草菌コロニーの形態変化とその優位性 (第14回生物数学の理論とその応用 : 構造化個体群ダイナミクスとその応用), Morphological changes and their advantages in Bacillus subtilis coloniesresponding to environmental pH variation」
    京都大学数理解析研究所数理解析研究所講究録, 2018, 2087, 24-30.

    J. Sugaya, Y. Ohba, and T. Kanmach,
    "Simulation of standing upright control of an inverted pendulum usinginertia rotor and the swing type inverted pendulum for engineering education",
    2017 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE).

    S. Komatsu, G. Baudelet, and K. Okamoto,
    "Formal Proofs of Theorems of Programs with an SMT Solver".
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録, 2084, 2018.

    岡本圭史, 平鍋健児,
    「複雑システムの安全分析法STAMP 安全性モデリングとSTAMP/STPA,その最新ツール紹介」
    SEC Journal, 13, 4, 23-29, 2018.

    岡本圭史, 岡野浩三,
    「複雑システムの安全分析法STAMP STAMP海外事例の紹介:STPA‐Safe Sec」
    SEC Journal, 13, 4, 42-47, 2018.

    「仙台高専なとりライブラリーカフェの検討, Review of Library Café Implementation at the College Library of NIT Sendai, Natori」
    仙台高等専門学名取キャンパス研究紀要, 2018, 54, 10-17.

    小野慎司, 中澤苑香
    「Ag3SBr, Ag3SIのイオン伝導と電子状態, Ionic Conduction and Electronic Structures of Ag3SBr and Ag3SI」
    日本物理学会講演概要集, 2018,73, 2, 1072-1072.

    日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2018, 83, 745, 517-524.

    日本建築学会計画系論文集(Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)),2018, 83, 752, 1989-1997.

    日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2018, 83, 743, 93-101.

    日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2018, 83, 746, 755-762.

    柏倉朱里, 佐久間実緒, 與那嶺尚弘,
    Japan ATフォーラム2018 in 徳山・講演論文集, 2018.

    齋藤大雅, 北条直也, 佐久間実緒, 與那嶺尚弘,
    Japan ATフォーラム2018 in 徳山・講演論文集, 2018.

    K. Baba, N.M. Fujiki, T. Hayashi, Y. Kashiwaba, K. Kawasaki, S. Nasu, M.Sakuma, S. Seki, J. Sonoda, T. Suenaga, T. Ooizumi and T. Yonamine,
    "Fostering Engineering Thinking Through Intelligent Electronic Production Program at NIT Sendai College",
    Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference, 2018.

    K. Sato,
    "Clinical Psychology and the Inner World",
    National Institute of Technology, Sendai College, Natori, Research Reports,2018, 54, 2-5.

    園田潤, 木本智幸,
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 第32回, 2018.

    J. Sonoda, and T. Kimoto,
    "Object Identification form GPR Images by Deep Learning",
    Proceedings of 2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2018).

    J. Sonoda, and T. Kimoto,
    "Object Identification from GPR Images by Deep Learning Using FDTD Simulation with GPU Cluster",
    Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2018 (PIERS2018).

    岩手大学大学院工学研究科 機械・社会環境システム工学専攻, 2018.

    J. Suzuki, N. Suzuki, K. Hirose, and T. Fukue,
    "Basic Study on Effects of Dimensions on Heat Transfer Enhancement around Heating Components by Pulsating Airflow",
    International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 2018, 14,3, 22-28.

    「微粒子ジェット流の基板への衝突の力積計測技術の開発, Development of Measuring Technology by Impulseof Collision to Substrate of Powder Jetting」
    仙台高等専門学校名取キャンパス研究紀要, 2018, 54, 6-9.

    J. Toshima, and A. Takahashi,
    "Design of an Incentive Decision Method for an Agriculture Information Sharing System",
    2018 Sixth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW).

    高橋学, 菅原諒, 井原郁夫,
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集, 2018, 26, 618.

    高橋学, 井原郁夫, 渡辺弘和, 阿部将典,
    「超音波とレーザを併用した水温の非侵襲計測, Non-invasive Measurement of Water Temperature by a Combined Method of Ultrasound and Laser」
    Journal of JSNDI, 2018, 67, 9, 486-492.

    T. Murakami, N. Fujima, M. Takeda, and K. Konno,
    "Long-range interactions in Mg-Al-rare earth alloys with 10H-typelong-period stacking ordered structure",
    Computational Materials Science, 2018, 153, 297-302.

    M. Takeda, K. Konno, A. Yasuhara, and K. Hiraga,
    "The Structure of a Long-Period Stacking Phase in an Mg-Al-Y Alloy Studied by Electron Microscopy",
    Philosophical Magazine, 2018, 98, 24, 2247-2256.

    M. Fukuhara, M. Takeda, and K. Konno,
    "Ultrasonic properties of Mg23Al3Y4 alloy with LPSO structures",
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 755, 163-167.

    方言文法研究会編『全国方言文法辞典資料集(4)活用体系(3)』, 2018, 17-28.
  • 武田拓,
    真田信治, 友定賢治編(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:宮城県方言に関する部分)
    東京堂出版 2018.

    「岩沼市史9 特別編Ⅰ 自然」
    岩沼市史編纂委員会(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第2部 第1章 第5節「遊びと生物」第6節「動植物の方言」)
    岩沼市 2018.
  • 塚田由佳里,
    学童保育研究, 2018, 19, 128-134.

    塚田由佳里, 小伊藤亜希子,
    「学童保育における民家等活用プロセスと施設整備の実態 大阪市のケーススタディ」
    日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2018, 750, 1425-1435.

    「海外事情 人にやさしい街 : フィンランド・ヘルシンキから」
    住宅会議 = Housing council, 2018, 102, 48-51.

    K. Terashima, K. Wako, Y. Fujihara, Y. Aoyagi, M. Murata, Y. Shibata, S.Sugawa, T. Ishinabe, R. Kuroda, and H. Fujitake,
    "High Speed and Narrow-Bandpass Liquid Crystal Filter for Real-Time Multi Spectral Imaging Systems",
    IEICE Transactions on Electronics, 2018, E101-C, 11, 897-900.

    R. Ohtera, K. Wako, Y. Ishitaka, M. Kano, K. Käläntär, and T. Uchida,
    "Novel directional projection screen using divergent corner cube retroreflector with a three‐sided curved surface (D‐CCR)",
    Journal of the Society for Information Display, 26, 4.

    Y. Fujihara, Y. Aoyagi, M. Murata, S. Nasuno, S. Wakashima, R. Kuroda,K. Terashima, T. Ishinabe, H. Fujikake, K. Wako, and S. Sugawa,
    "A Multi Spectral Imaging System with a 71dB SNR 190-1100 nm CMOS Image Sensor and an Electrically Tunable Multi Bandpass Filter",
    ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 2018, 6, 3, 187-194.

    H. Kanematsu, D.M. Barry, N. Ogawa, K.T. Nakahira, M. Yoshitake, T. Shirai,M. Kawaguchi, T. Kobayashi, and K. Yajima,
    "Some Psychological Responses Measured by a Commercial Electrooculography Sensor and Its Applicability",
    Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference KES-2018.

    K. Yajima, K. Kawasaki, Y. Kubota, A. Takahshi,
    "Objective Assessment of Students' Generic Skills",
    2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learningfor Engineering (TALE).

    K. Yajima, N. Maneerat, J. Sugaya, A. Nitta, Y. Takeichi, J. Sato,
    "Proposal of Global PBL Education for Engineers Using Sequence Learning Kit",
    2018 International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST).

    K. Yajima, S. Takahashi, Y. Takeichi, and J. Sato,
    "Development of Evaluation System of Student's Concentration in Active Learning",
    2018 International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST).

    K. Yonemura, J. Sato, Y. Takeichi, R. Komura, and K. Yajima,
    "Security Education Using Gamification Theory",
    2018 International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST).

    Y. Hashimoto, and Q. Yuan,
    "Drone Driven by Microwave",
    2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC).

    N. Honma, S. Heianna, A. Kawagoe, S. Tada, Y. Yamamoto, Q. Yuan, and Q.Chen,
    "Enabling Full-Duplex MIMO Communication Exploiting Array Antenna Arrangement",
    2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP).

    S. Suzuki, Q. Yuan, and Q. Chen,
    "Impedance matching approach of L-section circuit with ohmic lossin reactive components",
    Wireless Power Transfer, Cambridg, 5, 1, 2018, 64-74.

    K. Konno, Q. Chen, and Q. Yuan,
    "Scattering and Radiation Performance of Ninja Array Antennas",
    2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC).

    K. Ichiji, Y. Yoshida, N. Homma, X. Zhang, I. Bukovsky, Y. Takai, and M.Yoshizawa,
    "A key-point based real-time tracking of lung tumor in X-ray imagesequence by using difference of Gaussians filtering and optical flow",
    Physics in medicine and biology, 2018, 63, 18.

    M. Shindo, K. Ichiji, N. Homma, X. Zhang, Y. Takai, and M. Yoshizawa,
    "Probabilistic Decomposition of X-Ray Image Sequence to Extract Obscure Target Objects for Monitoring Intrafractional Organ Motion",
    American Association of Physicists in Medicine 60th Annual Meeting, 2018.

    N. Kadoya, K. Ichiji, T. Uchida, Y. Nakajima, R. Ikeda, Y. Uozumi, X. Zhang,I. Bukovsky, T. Yamamoto, K. Takeda, Y. Takai, K. Jingu, and N. Homma,
    "Dosimetric evaluation of MLC-based dynamic tumor tracking radiotherapy using digital phantom: Desired setup margin for tracking radiotherapy",
    Medical Dosimetry, 2018, 43, 1, 74-81.

    鈴木真太郎, 張暁勇, 本間経康, 市地慶, 高根侑美, 柳垣聡, 川住祐介, 石橋忠司, 吉澤誠,
    「乳がん病変検出のための深層学習を用いた計算機支援画像診断システム, A deep learning-based computer-aideddiagnosis system for mammographic lesion detection」
    計測自動制御学会論文集, 2018, 54, 8, 659-669.