From May 22nd to 24th, a joint seminar was held by the Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland (TUAS), National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sendai College and Nagaoka College at the Hirose Campus. The purpose of this seminar is for Finnish and Japanese educators and researchers to introduce their activities and share information. From TUAS, Universities in Japan, National Institute of Technology (KOSEN)  etc., about 40 participants joined the seminar.
 At the beginning, Dr. Kontio (Dean at TUAS) gave a keynote speech on international collaboration in the field of engineering. Then, participants presented their research topics or international engineering education activities (double degree etc.).
 This seminar is a first step to international collaboration in the future. The next joint seminar will be held next year in Finland.
 A joint hackathon was held for three days from May 20th to 22nd. 25 students from TUAS, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and our college joined the hackathon. At this hackathon, students tried to solve issues in health and welfare through ICT.

Keynote Speech by Dr. Kontio (TUAS)       Group photo of seminar participants