April 6, 2020
Sendai KOSEN initially planned to start the new semester as usual from April 6, 2020 as there was no case of COVID-19 among faculty and students. Now we have decided to announce of the change of schedule as 2 or 3 new cases per day reported for the last few days in Miyagi prefecture (population of 2.3 million).
Regarding the update of our response to COVID-19, please refer to our website regularly as the situation is changing day by day.
1. Classes in April
・The new semester will start from April 6 (Mon.), as originally scheduled.
・From April 6 to 17 (Mon. to Fri.): all the in-person classes will be canceled.
・From April 20 (Mon.): some classes are going to offer remote instruction (online courses). Students may be allowed to come to the college on the designated days for their projects under the guidance of their supervisors. The details will be announced individually.
2. Dormitories
・The opening will be postponed.
3. Extracurricular activities and coming to the college
・Student’s extracurricular activities are prohibited in April.
・Students will be permitted to come to the college for job searching.
・When students come to the college, we advise their parents to drive them to and from school.
Miyagi Prefectural Government (2020). https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/site/covid-19/02.html (accessed 2020-04-06) |
Miyagi Prefectural Government(2020). https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/site/covid-19/05.html(accessed 2020-04-06) |