Sendai Kosen held JST Sakura Science Plan 2019 for Mongolian Kosen students this summer.
 In this program, 20 students and 4 supervisors were invited from Mongolia financially supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The student groups came from three different Mongolian Kosens.

 At Natori Campus, the visiting students took classes at Division of Production System and Design Engineering. They also visited several places in Natori Yuriage region, which was severely affected by Tsunami and the Great East Japan Earthquake.
 At Hirose Campus, they attended lectures of circuit practice.
 Sendai Kosen students from Mongolia helped them individually as teaching assistants. With great cares and helps, the visiting students enjoyed the lectures with bright eyes.
 During their visit, they also took part in internships at three local companies as part of industry-academia collaborative education.
 It was a very fruitful week for the Mongolian Kosen students and they all felt that the unique experience at Sendai Kosen would benefit them to become advanced engineers in the future.

 Note: Kosen in Japanese means National Institute of Technology in English.

【Natori Campus Program:from July 28 to August 3, 2019】
  Attending the Japanese lecture on the methods for measuring
Gathering Photo with President Fukumura


【Hirose Campus Program:from August 27 to September 2, 2019】
Practice the circuit simulator Gathering photo after the completion ceremony